It's snowing. Easter and it's snowing, been snowing since Friday. Gotta love Denver.
The snow has not caused any problems though and it's a good excuse to procrastinate with the lawn. I really do need to get it aerated and fertilized and figure out how the sprinklers work. But as you all know, I can't stand lawn work, so I've been ignoring it. But I must deal with it before I fall behind.
Ahhh, the schedule. I believe I'm on track. My accomplishments against last week's goals are:
> Clear out the stuff the previous owners had left- change in plans. We'll just sort through the stuff and bring it to my house and have a big garage sale someday. I don't need yet another deadline, so we just need to get it all dealt with by the time the IP goes on the market.
> Get bids to update the obsolete electrical panel- DONE, contract has been signed and the electrician will comence work on the 16th
> Repair float valve on the swamp cooler- DONE
> Get a remodel permit-DONE
> Demolish the downstairs bathroom-DONE
> Finish demolishing the family room- DONE
> Finish the roof work- The original guy bid $1400. The second guy bid $700, but it turns out he doesn't have insurance and he's not returning my calls. I'll have to get some more bids, so that is still on the list.
> Clairfy electric panel scope- DONE
> Get the lawns areated and fertilized- Soon
> Check the sprinkler system-Soon
> Order the jacuzzi tub-Done
In addition to all those, I've
> Demolished the kitchen, less the ceiling
> Removed the tile from the entryway
> Ordered the cabinetry
So for this next week, the plan is
> Install new subfloor in the masterbathroom
> Meet with Elysia to resolve the remaining design features
> Install the jacuzzi
> Find an new roofer
> Get bids for the lawn
> Get bids for the cracked step
> Plan the wall between the nook and dining room
I also accomplished a major milestone yesterday, I did the first step in adding back to the house
(everything to this point has been demolition): I began plastering the wall in the living room. At some point a previous owner had plastered over 95% of the brick wall in the living and master bedroom, but left a bit of exposed brick. I suppose they were going for the Mexican restaurant look. I'm going to go back to the sleek and clean look and will fill in the spots and paint it all white.
This is great! Nice work. And I like how your list-making has now moved on to making lists of things you've done and new lists of the partially finished projects. I wish I was that organized! Oh wait - I don't need to be because I have you. :)
Things seem to be moving along nicely. Congratulations.
I hope you get that tub in soon though. That will be a great treat for you!
You know, exposed brick can be really nice. Would you want to strip the plaster off that wall instead of filling it all in? Some people really like that look.
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