This is the first of two posts today.
Much progress has been made the past 10 days.
The drywall guys and the mud guys have finished the kitchen, the family room, the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, the closet and the tan room (actually there's still a bit of sanding to do, but not much). While they looked very humorous working in stilts, they did a great job
. I painted the kitchen ceiling, then the flooring guys arrived to put in the hardwood. They were ahead of me, I wanted to tear out the carpet in the dining room and living room, but they we
re on a mission and the next thing I knew they were nailing planks down.
The tile guys did the fireplaces,
and the downstairs and master bathrooms. All went smooth, except we ran out of three types of tile. Apparantly you have to allow for a LOT more waste (or "yall" (yield allowance) to industrial engineers). Luckily the tile store still had
enough to sell me.
As this was going on I fixed the big hole in the siding and primed it. That only took three trips to Depot, one to buy the stuff, a second to get the correct nails for the nailgun and a third because I didn't get enough wood for the battens. No worries, all is done.
The new floor made it impossible to open the front doors, so I had to cut off 1/4". No worries.
PS to see the old posts, just use the twisties on the list on the right ---> and double click on the title of the post. It should pull it up.