Sunday, April 1, 2007

In There!

Wednesday the 28th at Noon, I signed enough papers to keep Weyerhaeuser in business for a few years and the IP officially became mine. No surprises, though I did gulp a few times when I saw the monthly payment for the mortgage!

As is my practice when moving into a place, the first thing I did was get the locks changed. I had gone over in the morning and removed the deadbolt locks the front door and garage entry, and had them changed for $12 each. Getting them back into the doors was a challenge, though. Whoever originally installed the lock in the front door had not done a good job of measuring so the hole was off-center and the wrong size. After an hour of struggling (and cussing), I finally got it to work, though it doesn't meet my quality standards. But that's OK, I'll be replacing it with a lock to match the decor eventually.

The lock between the garage and the kitchen also took too long, but that's because I didn't pay attention when I took the old one off, and I had to figure out how it went back together.

There's a door leading outside from the garage. There's a bunch of junk in front of it, so instead of re-keying the lock, I just screwed the door to the frame. More than one way to skin a cat, if you know what I mean....

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

I'm so glad it's finally yours! Now get to work.