Friday, April 6, 2007


Did I mention that I removed the old black slate tiles in the entry? What a chore that was, whomever put them in back in 1969 used an ultra strong adhesive and the grout between tiles was hard as concrete. So as I chiseled them apart, it was usually the slate that broke apart instead of separating from the floor. And slate fragments are very very sharp... no wonder the native americans used them for knives! I figured out the best way to remove them: Bash the grout lines with the sledgehammer, then use the pry bar to get the tile up.

About half came up in one piece, the other half required repeated blows with the hammer and chisel.

Only took an entire day remove all the tiles. Now I have a mountain of tile and tile debris. I really got to get around to renting a dumpster and hiring some laborers to haul all the stuff out.

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