Thursday, May 31, 2007

Back Steps

Frank and John came over last week to help me. I realized that I wasn't going to make the June 15 date unless I got some help, so the budget continues to go over...

Anyway, one of the things they did was build a new set of steps for the back patio. The old ones were pretty raunchy and narrow. And some former owner built some sort of windbreak from which to tend bar on the patio. All in all, a rather unappetizing sight from a re-sale perspective.

So Frank and John tore the steps and the windbreak apart:

And here's the finished product:
Pretty good job, eh?

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

I know this is a small change compared to everything that has been done, but removing that ridiculous "barrier" for bartending outside has really improved the back. Please post before/after pics of the backyard!