Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nemisis gone

The fireplace wall has been my nemesis, and my nemesis is conquered.
For some reason, a previous owner had the lovely brick wall in the living and bedroom plastered. But left big holes in the Mexican Restaurant look. I knew no potential buyer would want that, so I needed to fill them in. I spent hours and hours and hours patching the holes, 1/4 inch at a time. At the end I sanded the plaster, then put on more, then sanded, etc etc etc. I'd have white lung disease had I not been wearing my respirator.

Friday was a HUGE day: The painters painted the two walls, and you can't even tell how bad they once looked. What a relief, the ugly wall, my nemesis is no more.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey. I posted a comment here and it disappeared. I have only posted here twice and both times they disappeared. I am not sure why since I sign in to make my posts.
Anyway, congratulations on all the progress you are making. Things are starting to look really great.