Thursday, May 17, 2007

Week of 5-14

A quick update before I head to the "office". The drywall guys are long gone, the plaster guys have been there about a week fairing in the mud between the new and old drywall. The kitchen is done, and I primed the ceiling to make painting easier when the floors, cabinets and appliances arrive.

I had a blonde moment- Walter asked me where the stove was going to plug into. I said that the stove is gas, so it wouldn't need an outlet. He politely reminded me about the oven light.

Off to Depot to buy another outlet box and 25' of 12 gage wire. Luckily I knew a way to hook things up so we wouldn't have to take down any of the brand new drywall.

The tile guys installed the tile in the master and downstairs bathrooms and around the fireplaces. Except we kept running out of tile... I need to do a better job of estimating what's needed!

I repaired the siding by the entryway.

The floor guys come today to begin putting in the hardwood floors.

Things are definitely coming together. I'll have pics soon.

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