Monday, May 21, 2007

Boycot Homelite products

Two weeks ago I bought a Homelite brand electric lawn mower at Home Depot. Yesterday Kathleen hit a hidden root and bent the blade.

After hours at Home Depot and Lowes, came to discover that no aftermarket blades fit the Homelite mowers.

The Homelite website does not recognize the model number that I bought. Their "customer service" department is open 7 till 4 Eastern time, which kinda ignores 70% of their market. And when you finally do get through to them, they don't sell replacement blades.

I wish I had never bought that mower. Do yourself a favor and tell anyone who'll listen to avoid products from that company.

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

Well, I think the person doing the job should pick out his/her tool -- but that's just my $0.02 -- for whatever its worth. It was kind of a neat product when it worked -- problem was, it worked less than a total of 3 hours. What a waste of $200.