Sunday, May 6, 2007

Week of May 7th

(This is the first of three stories I posted on Sunday, May 6th)

This week should show some long-awaited progress. The electrical and plumbing inspectors come Monday, and I don't anticipate any big problems. The structural inspector comes Tuesday to buy off on the rafters for the kitchen ceiling. Again, I've so over-designed it I don't anticipate problems, though he could be a stickler and get me on some technicality that I don't know.

Walter and his crew will be in during the middle of the week to put up drywall in the kitchen and family rooms (assuming the inspections go OK). I'll throw some paint on the kitchen, then the flooring guys can begin with the hardwood floors.

The cabinets are supposed to arrive on Wednesday, and Monday I'll order the appliances.

So far I estimate that I', 2 weeks behind schedule. And very over budget. In a future posting I'll explain the budget situation. We'll call this first one a learning experience....

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

Count me in to help you paint. Need me to round up volunteers? Can I tell them you'll spring for pizza and soft drinks?