Saturday, May 12, 2007


The neighbor lady across the fence has always been quite friendly and chatty. Yesterday she insisted on giving Kathleen and me a tour of her house. It's a different floorplan than the IP, and the counters are not granite, but what a back yard!

I digress. In the course of the conversation, she just happened to drop that she was a former beauty queen. Being the nosy guy that I am, I googled her and discovered......

...... SHE'S MISS AMERICA 1974!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously she looks a bit different now, but her two daughters look just like she did.

Oh yeah, her hubby is also a well-know sculpture artist.

Small town, Denver is.

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

You failed to state that she has been insistentiy flirting with you, offering to "fix you lunch" when I'm not around. You go, girl!