Sunday, May 6, 2007

Failed electrical inspection

Well, Ruth was the inspector for the electrical and she didn't buy off. She didn't like the fact that the kitchen recessed lights were not secured within 12 inches of the cans, she didn't like that the wires in the attic blocked access to one of the junction boxes, and she didn't like the circuit that I had used for the master bathroom outlet. Never mind that I never intended to do anything with the master bath outlet, but during her first visit she told me that it needed to be away from the tub. So I tore up the wall to move it and install a GFI outlet.

The good news is that she showed me ways to fix all the problems in ways that I had not thought of. So everything has been changed and I have another inspection scheduled for Monday.

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

Remember - failures are simply a learning opportunity. I'm sure you learned from this and won't make the same mistake again. Failures are absolute necessities for success. I'll celebrate every success and every opportunity to learn with you. I love you.