Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Came home from an errand today and found a bird flying around in the living room. As we entered, it promptly flew into a window and knocked itself senseless. As I went searching for a container in which to move the critter outside, another bird flew past me right into the sliding glass door in the dining room. Klunk, and it too was walking around stunned.

I opened the door and the dining room bird staggered outside. I found a box and put the living room bird in it and let it free on the patio. It flew away, though it reminded me of an AmericaWest pilot (ie: drunk).

Last time I promised a picture of the rafters and recessed light cans:

Yesterday I discovered that one of them didn't work. Took me only an hour to figure out which one, and I took it back to Lowe's. I was all ready for a fight with them, so I explained the situation and asked what to do. The lady told me to go back to lighting and get myself a new one. That took all the wind out of my sails!

Anyway, tomorrow is inspection day. Let's see what happens... hopefully it won't be Ruth.

1 comment:

Kathleen Claire said...

I'm glad you don't think this new venture has gone to the birds. I was impressed at how gently you treated and cared for the dismayed birds. It showed your feminine side! **wink wink**